Linda Dawn Hammond
Work on Websites
The following websites were designed, scripted, edited and maintained by Linda Dawn Hammond. Responsibilities included the scanning and retouching of images, in preparation for the web. Unless otherwise indicated, I was also responsible for the original photography, icons, banners and text. Sites no longer up can be viewed as (inactive) screen shots, or visit THE WAYBACK MACHINE and see the original site with active links intact (minus a few images no longer archived.) You can also visit current sites and see how they developed.
2005 - Present, "Punks & Provocateurs" Photo Exhibit
Owner, text, photos: Linda Dawn Hammond
Design, photo retouching, Webmistress: Linda Dawn Hammond
2002 - 2004, Accesasie / Montreal Asian Heritage Festival
WAYBACK ARCHIVED www.accesasie.com site with working page links, but some images no longer archived! Design replaced the original MontrealAsianHeritagefestival.com site.
WAYBACK ARCHIVED www.MontrealAsianHeritagefestival.com site with working page links, but some images no longer archived! This was the original 2002 site, which was eventually replaced by the newly designed accesasie.com site and existed as archives.
Accesasie (screenshots of original 2004 site)
Owner, text, photos: Montreal Asian Heritage Festival
Design, hand scripting (French and English content), coordinating continuity between bilingual content, photo reformatting retouching, English editing and occasional copy writing. Webmistress (until Dec.2004): Linda Dawn Hammond
1998 - Present, Hunt Hoe Films
Owner, text and images: Hunt Hoe
Design, photo retouching, Webmistress: Linda Dawn Hammond
1997 - Present, Linda Dawn Hammond Photography
Owner, design, animations, photography, writing, webmistress: Linda Dawn Hammond
2000 - Present, The Label Game: the History of Intellectual Disability
www.labelgame.org (under construction)
Owner, text: Patrick McDonagh
Design, logos, photography (except archival), Webmistress: Linda Dawn Hammond
2004 - Present, Real Gone (Official Band Site)
Owner: Real Gone
Design, animations, stage and publicity photography, writing, Webmistress: Linda Dawn Hammond
2002 - 2004, The Hellmarys (Official Band Site)
WAYBACK ARCHIVED www.hellmarys.com site with working page links, but some images no longer archived!!
Owner: Trevor Black
Design, animations, stage and publicity photography, Webmistress: Linda Dawn Hammond
Icons: Various sources
2004-2006, Simon Finn (Official Music Site)
The following are screenshots of the original 2004 site at www.simonfinn.co.uk: PHOTOS /
NOTE: Set up and designed original 2004-2006 site- NOT present site!
Owner and site maintenance following initial set-up: Simon Finn
Web design, photography (2004-2006): Linda Dawn Hammond